Customs and International Trade


In this area we can assist you by providing the following services:

  • Interpretation and application of the regulations corresponding to import, export, and transit customs regimes, including the procedures carried out before the Customs Authority, as well as in the technical-legal study, that is, from the legal and tariff perspective, of the product under study.
  • Advice in relation to the different special customs regimes (temporary admissions, temporary admissions for processing, temporary exports and temporary exports for processing, In Bond customs warehouses, the release of duties, among others) and their scope.
  • Assistance in administrative and judicial proceedings for offenses or infractions committed in connection with the declaration of goods in customs or other cases established in the customs regulations.
  • Assistance in the procedures of tariff classification and value consultations before the respective Customs Authority.

International Trade

In this area we can assist you with the following services:

  • Interpretation and analysis of the scope and content of the Agreements in force regarding tariff preferences within the framework of the trade agreements signed by Venezuela; as well as with respect to the regulations revolving around the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI), Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR), World Trade Organization (WTO), among others.
  • Advice on international sales contracts and international trade terms better known as INCOTERMS.